Welcome to my brain!

This is where my misfiring synapses paint pictures.

Kitten Overseer

i get strange ideas.

A futuristic world ruled by the iron paws of evil kittens. Rust rocket motorcycles ridden by demons. The king of Sweden listening to Brahms. The results of anything an octopus tries to mate with. What ever I can dream up to colorize my surroundings.

Strange figments of my imagination sometimes escape into the digital landscape. The ones I manage to sedate and/or tame need somewhere to stay. They live here now.

There is a kind of zoo in the shape of a gallery if you wish to see them. Admission is free. Please follow the ‘No Petting’-policy for your own safety. Seriously. I think one of the kittens nibbled my balance nerve.

The shop is updated. Every exhibition in the zoo is now available in three sizes. The grinch is now housebroken and will not cause any more problems.

Follow me on instagram for updates.

(Twitch is just there for incoherent ramblings, but feel free to join me in the less creative quarters of the digital world too)